
Posts Tagged ‘entertaining’

My daughter had to read “ The Republic” by Plato for one of her classes. She decided that she needed to read it aloud in order to understand better, I just happened to be in the room. Therefore, at first, I was an unwilling listener, and after a while, a participant. We had a lot of fun together.  Let me tell you that this is one of those books which should be read aloud and in a group.

This experience brought me to the realization that years ago reading together in groups was done fairly often and was quite popular.  Today, besides teachers reading to students in class, parents to small children (till they able to read on their own), and bible study groups, how many people read books together?  People go to the movies, live theatres and concerts with people that they would like to share the experience with. When reading as a group we are able to become more creative with our interpretation of a book. Furthermore, we can become more playful with the way we read it. Than why do we disregard reading together, a time well spent, as quality entertainment?

Of course, not every book can be read with someone, but there is plenty of books that one can choose from. Therefore, I ask you, dear reader, please send me your picks and make sure that you read this with your spouse, family or friends.

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